What a
Pain! Signs of Painkiller Addiction |
painkiller addiction affects many people. It’s not
just the celebrities that battle with this
addiction. Soccer moms and businessmen alike are
struggling with prescription painkiller addiction.
Many people struggle with their addiction behind
closed doors. Dependency on these prescription drugs
is usually not deliberate. Many people begin to take
prescription pain medication for legitimate reasons.
This addiction doesn’t happen overnight.
Unfortunately, many people become addicted slowly.
They don’t realize the red flags of their growing
addiction until they are completely hooked.
Myths Fueling the
Many people don’t intentionally abuse prescription
painkillers. They begin using these drugs for a
medical need. However, there are faulty ideas that
can lead to these people getting addicted. Some of
these faulty ideas or myths are:
My doctor prescribed these pills, so they must be
OK. Just because a doctor prescribed these pills,
doesn’t mean that you are safe from addiction. Many
of the medications prescribed have a risk of
dependency. It is important to keep your eyes open
for signs of cravings, pill-seeking behavior or
doctor shopping. These signs point toward
dependency. It’s also important to take pills as
prescribed to avoid an overdose. These pills can
have fatal consequences if abused.
I’m a strong-willed person. I won’t get addicted.
Being addicted to substances is not a willpower
issue. If you have addiction in your family, you
have an increased risk of struggling with addiction
as well.
I need to get rid of my pain at all costs. Feeling
pain can keep you from daily activities and can
affect your life negatively. However, abusing
prescription pain medication is not the solution.
Simply taking a pill to reduce pain, does not fix
the underlying problem. Talk to your doctor about
your pain and other types of therapies that could
Spotting the Signs of
Recognizing the signs of prescription painkiller
addiction is a good first step. It is just as
important to know if your addiction is growing. If
you know what to look for, you can address the
growing problem before you are completely dependent.
You’re using your painkillers for other reasons
other than pain relief. Taking your painkillers
because it makes you energized or helps you fall
asleep, or relieves your stress and anxiety are red
flags. Taking the pills to change your mood instead
of relieving pain is getting you high. That is a
slippery slope to addiction.
You want an increase in your painkillers even though
your doctor hasn’t recommended it. There are times
that the pain you are feeling is intense and you may
need to get an increase in dosage. However, taking
the drug when you want the increase in dosage to
alter your mood or mixing it with other drugs is a
sign that you are crossing into addiction.
You’re taking your painkillers even though you don’t
have any pain.
Your thoughts are consumed with getting more
painkillers. If you’re not feeling any pain, there’s
no need to continue taking your painkillers. Taking
them “just in case” the pain comes back is not a
legitimate reason to continue use.
Other pain management therapies are no longer an
option for you. Prescription painkillers are not the
cure-all of pain management. There are other
options. Not considering them can be a sign of
Even people with the best of intentions can fall
into the trap of prescription drug addiction.
Knowing the early signs of prescription painkiller
addiction increase your chances of avoiding
disaster. If you are addicted, receiving treatment
as soon as possible at a drug rehab helps you break
free from prescription drug addiction.